The story is originally Venetian. The original story has the old woman spitting a wad of jam into the king's hand. Calvino changed it so the woman dropped a handkerchief. This story is part of Calvino's book Italian Folktales.
I found this fairy tale very interesting. In many of the fairy tales I have read good usually wins over evil. However, in this one that is not the case. The oldest sister should have been punished for deceiving the king, but she is the one that lives happily ever after. There is no moral as many other stories from this genre have. I can tell the story was meant to be humorous, not only from the plot, but also from the writing. When the story is read in Italian, there are many sarcastic lines. For example, at one point Calvino refers to the sisters as young, even though they are in their sixties, seventies, and nineties. This, in my opinion, made the story more enjoyable. I also found it interesting that only one name was mentioned in the entire story and it was not even the name of a main character. The name of the middle sister, the one that dies, is mentioned. Her name is Clementina. I found it difficult to read this story critically. I had to just accept all of the events and not think to hard because some of the events are so ridiculous. All in all I enjoyed it very much.